Message 001
Communication from the Commission - TRIS/(2025) 0720
Directive (EU) 2015/1535
Notification: 2025/0142/DK
Notification of a draft text from a Member State
Notification – Notification – Notifzierung – Нотификация – Oznámení – Notifikation – Γνωστοποίηση – Notificación – Teavitamine – Ilmoitus – Obavijest – Bejelentés – Notifica – Pranešimas – Paziņojums – Notifika – Kennisgeving – Zawiadomienie – Notificação – Notificare – Oznámenie – Obvestilo – Anmälan – Fógra a thabhairt
Does not open the delays - N'ouvre pas de délai - Kein Fristbeginn - Не се предвижда период на прекъсване - Nezahajuje prodlení - Fristerne indledes ikke - Καμμία έναρξη προθεσμίας - No abre el plazo - Viivituste perioodi ei avata - Määräaika ei ala tästä - Ne otvara razdoblje kašnjenja - Nem nyitja meg a késéseket - Non fa decorrere la mora - Atidėjimai nepradedami - Atlikšanas laikposms nesākas - Ma jiftaħx il-perijodi ta’ dewmien - Geen termijnbegin - Nie otwiera opóźnień - Não inicia o prazo - Nu deschide perioadele de stagnare - Nezačína oneskorenia - Ne uvaja zamud - Inleder ingen frist - Ní osclaíonn sé na moilleanna
MSG: 20250720.EN
1. MSG 001 IND 2025 0142 DK EN 13-03-2025 DK NOTIF
2. Denmark
3A. Erhvervsstyrelsen
Langelinie allé 17
2100 København Ø
+45 35 29 10 00
3B. Færdselsstyrelsen
Sorsigvej 35
6760 Ribe
+45 7221 8899
4. 2025/0142/DK - T40T - Urban and road transport
5. Legislative decree on testing with and of self-driving units
6. The legislative decree on testing with and of self-driving units provides a framework for the use of smaller self-driving units in the area to which the Road Traffic Act applies to ensure that the use of the new self-driving units can be carried out appropriately in terms of road safety.
8. The legislative decree on testing with and of self-driving units provides a framework for the use of smaller self-driving units in the area to which the Road Traffic Act applies to ensure that the use of the new self-driving units can be carried out appropriately in terms of road safety.
The purpose of the draft decree is to adjust the technical requirements for self-driving units in response to changes to the Road Traffic Act. The amendments to the Road Traffic Act are made on the basis of
an evaluation of the existing pilot scheme, which has proven to be too restrictive.
The draft decree provides concessions for the pilot scheme in relation to the weight and dimension requirements for the self-driving units and opens up the possibility that authorisation may be obtained to test self-driving units in areas designated by the road authorities.
9. The draft decree makes it possible to test self-driving units, as the municipalities
can designate areas as test zones where self-driving units can be tested. This will continue to be a pilot scheme for which authorisation is required from
the Danish Road Traffic Authority before a self-driving unit can be tested in a designated test zone.
A specific road safety assessment will determine whether authorisation can be granted for
testing based on a specific assessment of the self-driving unit to be used for testing and
any planned safety measures.
The draft decree also lays down specific provisions for applying for authorisationfor testing self-driving units.
In the future, the draft decree will not specify restrictions in terms of
the weight and dimensions of the self-driving units for which authorisation to drive is requested
as part of the pilot scheme. Instead, the weight and dimensions of the self-driving unit will be a criterion
that is assessed on a case-by-case basis, depending on the specific application.
This means that, in connection with the processing of a specific application, the Danish Road Traffic Authority will assess whether authorisation can be granted for testing with or of the specific unit in the
requested area. In connection with this, the Danish Road Traffic Authority may impose conditions for authorisation.
The draft decree specifies that a self-driving unit used for testing must comply with the legislation in force throughout the trial or test period, including CE marking requirements. In addition, provisions have been added to the effect that the Danish Road Traffic Authority may revoke authorisation for testing with or of self-driving units at any time, in response to which testing must be terminated immediately.
10. Reference documents and original texts
Section 92 l-p of the Road Traffic Act, especially Section 92 m, Paragraph 4, which provides the legal basis for establishing more detailed provisions on testing the speed of self-driving units, positioning on the road, use of signals and signs, lighting, transport of goods, identification number, etc.
10. References in the original text:
11. No
13. No
14. No
15. Yes
TBT aspects:
The draft is a technical regulation or a conformity assessment
SPS aspects: No
European Commission
Contact point Directive (EU) 2015/1535