Message 002
Communication from the Commission - TRIS/(2023) 01119
Directive (EU) 2015/1535
Translation of the message 001
Notification: 2023/0207/E
No abre el plazo - Nezahajuje odklady - Fristerne indledes ikke - Kein Fristbeginn - Viivituste perioodi ei avata - Καμμία έναρξη προθεσμίας - Does not open the delays - N'ouvre pas de délais - Non fa decorrere la mora - Neietekmē atlikšanu - Atidėjimai nepradedami - Nem nyitja meg a késéseket - Ma’ jiftaħx il-perijodi ta’ dawmien - Geen termijnbegin - Nie otwiera opóźnień - Não inicia o prazo - Neotvorí oneskorenia - Ne uvaja zamud - Määräaika ei ala tästä - Inleder ingen frist - Не се предвижда период на прекъсване - Nu deschide perioadele de stagnare - Nu deschide perioadele de stagnare.
(MSG: 202301119.EN)
1. MSG 002 IND 2023 0207 E EN 21-04-2023 E NOTIF
2. E
3A. Subdirección General de Asuntos Industriales, Energéticos, de Transportes, Comunicaciones y Medio Ambiente.
Dirección General de Coordinación de Políticas Comunes y de Asuntos Generales de la Unión Europea.
Secretaría de Estado para la Unión Europea.
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, Unión Europea y Cooperación.
Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca, 8, 3ª planta, Despacho 03.031, 28006. Madrid
Teléfonos: 91 379 84 64
Fax: 91 379 84 01
Dirección correo electrónico:
3B. Dirección General de la Autonomía Personal y la Discapacidad
Secretaría de Asuntos Sociales y Familias
Departamento de Derechos Sociales
Generalitat de Catalunya
4. 2023/0207/E - B00
5. Draft Decree approving the Accessibility Code of Catalonia
6. It affects all services for public use and the products that are made available to citizens in these services, establishing accessibility conditions, both physical (walking, apprehension and location) and sensory (location and communication).
7. -
8. It implements the provisions of Law 13/2014 of 30 October 2014 on accessibility.
It is divided into 11 chapters: General provisions; Accessibility in the territory; Accessibility in buildings; Accessibility in transportations means; Accessibility in products; Accessibility in services; Accessibility management; Parking cards for persons with disabilities; Council for the Promotion of Accessibility; Control, inspection and sanctioning procedure; Accessibility quality label.
It establishes the conditions required for new urban spaces, buildings, transportation means, products and services, and also develops the reasonable adjustments, circumstances, requirements and deadlines for adapting existing ones.
9. Implement the mandate of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and take appropriate legislative measures to give effect to those rights.
Adapt the regional regulations, whose current Accessibility Code dates back to 1995, to the situations and needs of today’s society, in accordance with the basic guidelines and conditions established in the international, European and national regulatory framework.
Drive the transformation of the existing environment to achieve the objectives set out in the new European Strategy for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities 2021-2030.
10. References to basic texts: Law 13/2014 of 30 October 2014 on accessibility
(DOGC No 6742 of 4 November 2014)
11. No
12. -
13. No
14. No
15. Yes
16. TBT aspect
NO - The draft will have no discernible effect on international trade.
SPS aspect
No - The draft is neither a sanitary nor a phytosanitary measure
European Commission
Contact point Directive (EU) 2015/1535
Fax: +32 229 98043